Sunday, June 10, 2007

Crazy cousins of mine-Crazy cousins

These are my crazy cousins.They have reached various maturity stages in their life...yet they all act the same, no matter how old they are.I am copying them joyfully! My mom says that there is no hope in sight for years to come for her...what could she mean by that? Das sind meine verrueckten Cousins.Sie sind unterschiedlich alt und reif aber man merkt keinen Unterschied bei ihnen und ich kopiere sie mit Freuden.Mama meint es sei hoffnungslos fuer sie in den kommenden Jahren.Was kann sie damit nur meinen??

6 Tell-me more's:

Gudl said...

This is a dream-team, too!!
Nice photo! I am glad I can see you guys this way!
Thanks for showing them to us!

Dunja said...

Isn't it hilarious?

Germanone93 said...

Lol this is probably the best picture ever taken and it should receive an award. The two "Krauts" hahahahahha. looks like opa

Germanone93 said...

Hey tobias, Check out some of the videos, that i put on my blog.

Priscilla said...


Anonymous said...

Die zwei passen so richtig zusammen, einer so verrueckt wie der andere, haha!
Aber sie haben Fun together!