Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jelly Belly's!

I hate Jelly Belly's because Jelly Belly's are so stupid. Actually when Ani has Jelly Bellys I like to eat them. My favorite flavor watermelon and red apple. Hehe. I'm so silly, I really like Jelly Belly's a lot. They are really yummy. The brown and black ones are gross. You can't really read the flavors, but the 2 with little arrows are my favorite.

Keep commenting please!

7 Tell-me more's:

Mellimaus said...

I LOVE Jelly Belly's!! They are so good. Watermelon and Red Apple are really good flavors, I agree, but my favorite is Pear. By the way, I like how you named your comments Tell-me more's! That's really cool, Bias. Keep up the good work!

Rachel said...

I like too many of the flavors to list, but NO buttered popcorn or jalapeno flavored jelly belly's for me.

Anonymous said...

Hast einen schönen Blog Tobias,schaue ihn mir immer gerne an; Bist ein süsser Bub,ein krativer Junge,hast schöne Bilder drin von Dir.Gruss Deine Tante Jutta

Anonymous said...

I hate Jelly Bellys, too.They taste awfull.Ihhhhhh
aber wenn sie hier rumliegen muss ich sie auch essen.haha.
Kuss deine Tante Nela

Pedi said...

If you enlarge the picture, you can read the flavours!
I like them too!

Mellimaus said...

You know what, Tobias? I got Jelly Beans yesterday, and I think of you every time I eat one.

Dina said...

I don;t like jelly belly's but I guess that's ok, not everyone likes the same food. I like ice-cream a-lot.