Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Man

Mom says I look like Babba.Now my hair is curly and she wants to cut it off.I like it that way.
Mama sagt ich seh aus wie Babba mit den lockigen Haaren.Ich mag sie aber Mama will sie abschneiden.

5 Tell-me more's:

Gudl said...

Don't cut the hair!! It looks so nice a little longer and getting curly!
Yes, you look a lot like your Babba. Because of you we will never forget him!

Anonymous said...

Tobias, du siehst ja so suess aus, so mit strubbeligem Haar!
Und du siehst auch wirklich aus wie dein Papa, das ist so schoen!

Rachel said...

I think your hair looks great, I like the curls! I love your eyelashes too! You look mad in this picture, are you?

Mellimaus said...

You do look like your Babba! I don't think you should cut your hair, Tobias, you look way too cute with it the way it is!

Dunja said...

NO he is not mad, he just acts funny