Thursday, May 17, 2007


I made this picture today because I want summer to come!

That is me with long hair and the sun shining.
Ich habe das Bild gemacht weil ich will das der Sommer kommt.Das bin ich mit langen Haaren im Sonnenschein.

8 Tell-me more's:

Germanone93 said...

Awesome picture tobias. Summer is coming up soon. And mike is coming saturday.

Gudl said...

Hi Tobias. Great picture...AGAIN!
What is that? Are you becoming a famous artist or what?!
I wish you would draw a picture for me? Maybe for my birthday?
And what is that today? No school?!
Here in Canandaigua the children had to go to school. We only had a little rain. No wind.
Love you! Bye! Say hi to everybody.

Pedi said...

Tobias, hi!!!
Ich habe gerade erst gesehen, dass du einen Blog hast! Super!!
Schöne Bilder!!
Bald komm ich euch besuchen, freue mich schon darauf.
Liebe Grüsse Pedi

Mellimaus said...

Great picture, Bias, I want summer to come, too.

Priscilla said...

Hey Tobias! Summer is the best, isn't it?

Rachel said...

I love summer too! Is your last day of school coming up?!

Anonymous said...

Super Bild, Tobias!
der Sommer kommt bald und dann schwitzen wir wieder!!
Und du kannst schwimmen gehen mit Mama und deinen Schwestern!

Dina said...

Hello Tobias, my daughter who will be 7 soon and my son who is 3 will be visiting your blog and we shall leave comments for you to enjoy.

We like your pictures alot and we wish you a good summer, we know for a fact that ours here in Malta will be toooo hot and toooo long! Have a good week, Nadine Isla and Andy